The Magic System

At a glance

A breakdown of the concept:

The magic system of "The War of The Phages" is a unique take on build-you-own spells, with inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, Alchemy, and Classic Sci-Fi.

Phagic magic is powered by the viral mana in this realm. Mana itself revolves around the manipulation of complex sequences within nature and technology.


The concept of sequences relates to the natural patterns found in the growth and decay of life, as well as the processes of chemical reactions and computation of code or knowledge.

The process of repetition, reproduction, and calculation, causes a cascade of physical or metaphysical changes. Think of a compter speaking code, 0 and 1, on and off; a piano wire vibrating back and forth, or a chain reaction of atoms breaking down.

Fractals are an excellent example of natural repeating patterns and communicate well the recursive, or self Referencing, phenomenon’s of our realm.

The fluctuation in a mediums state of being creates an energy that phages channel to manifest mana.

Think of the push and pull of 2 magnets. The sequence is merely measurement of how often the magnets move from an active to inactive state, whether they are pushing and pulling. The energy of the motion, or kinetic energy in this example is what's know as mana.

Many fear it for it's mutagenic properties. However, those who willingly (or knowingly) wield Mana, allows them to channel the natural sequences through living organic materials. Allowing practitioners to alter reality.